December is the new January

by Whitney | December 14, 2021 | Health & Fitness Blog 

First, a great workout, then some mindset work…You’ll definitely want to pin this workout for later! This workout will challenge muscles and build cardiovascular endurance! Just like the Grinch, feel your heart grow 3 sizes as you get heart healthy starting NOW! If you want an extra challenge, perform the pushups single leg. If you aren’t quite there on your push ups yet, lower down from your toes and push up from your knees. You can do the deadlifts and squat thrusters with a barbell or dumbbells. Challenge yourself with a heavy weight on the deadlifts and select a weight that allows you to move quickly for the squat thrusters! Now that you’ve got your sweat on…

These last few weeks of the year can really challenge your wellness focus! Stress, food, more food, cookies, alcohol…and did I say stress? “I’ll start (over) in January” … the sneaky mindset trap we all fall into. 

This mindset can make-or-break your success – and send you into an unhealthy spiral. It has to do with “either/or” thinking … and in a nutshell, it works like this:

Either you’re 100% on track… or you’re completely off. 

If you’ve ever said, “I’ll start (over) in the New Year,” or “I’ll start on Monday,” chances are you were caught in this kind of thinking. Another clue that you may be in an ‘either/or” mindset … If you eat something “off your diet” … you completely blow it the rest of the day, instead of taking it in stride and getting right back on track. (Not just in December… this can happen in just a weekend!)

Sound familiar?

This mindset is sneaky because when you’re “ON” or “GOOD,” you are all-in and feel like you’re making amazing progress. BUT the problem is … it’s pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to maintain in the long run! One little slip-up can make you feel like a failure and want to give up. (On the flip side, if you’re planning to detox in January, what does that say about your self care now?? You deserve better!)

But there IS good news. There’s a happy medium that’s built on MODERATION. It’s all about making healthy choices – choices that add value, energy, and positivity to your life … choices that actually make you FEEL BETTER, without being “ON” or “OFF” or “GOOD” or “BAD.”

For example, during the holiday season that could mean:

  • Saying “yes” to a small slice of your aunt’s famous pecan pie without feeling guilty,
  • Choosing a wine spritzer instead of that infamous eggnog loaded with heavy cream, extra sugar, and a double shot of bourbon because it’ll make you feel lousy a half-hour later, (ask me about “stouternog!)
  • Getting your blood pumping by taking a brisk walk with your family or dog when you can’t get in a full resistance workout,
  • Going to bed by 10 p.m. so you feel rested and energized for whatever tomorrow brings, or
  • Chugging a glass of water first thing in the morning before pouring that cup of coffee so you feel hydrated and refreshed as you begin your day.

If you’ve been telling yourself, “I’ll wait till January to get started,” …

What if instead, you decided to make deliberate choices each day?

You won’t lose ground – you’ll still be able to enjoy your favorites – and you can break out of that “good” or “bad” cycle of thinking.

What do you think? Willing to put it into practice over the next few weeks?

And if you REALLY want to stay on top of nutrition over the holidays, let’s do it! My Next Level Nutrition is so much more than just a time-tested (and client-approved!) flexible dieting program. It’s designed to help you stay focused in a way that works with your schedule and lifestyle … and help you properly fuel your body- with no “GOOD” or “BAD” food, over the holiday season. We’ll set goals each week and take into account holiday parties and baking cookies with your kiddos, without judgement or guilt!

If you’re ready to take the next step in your fitness/wellness, learn more here <<

Make today count! You got this!
